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eRIC Remote Control Car System:  Integration of Arduino, eRIC4, LIS35DE and 2WD chassis

I would like to show you my idea of remote control car that I called "eRIC Car" due to use of eRIC4 modules.


eRIC Car consists of few parts:

-eRIC4 LF Radio Module

- Arduino Mega Rev. 3 

- Adafruit Motor Shield

- 2WD chasis

- 2 sets of batteries - the first one consists of 4 batteries 1.5V and supplies Arduino Mega, Motor Driver and 2 DC motors. The second 9V batteries supplies eRIC module.

Arduino Mega receives commands from eRIC4 Radio module via RS232. The Arduino processes the commands and controls Motor Shield. Text commands are very easy and provide basic functionality (go ahead, go backward, turn right & left, battery voltage, stop).

At the beginning, I tried to test how eRIC Car works, so I used second eRIC module to send commands from PC. The next step was to integrate LIS35DE (accelerometer sensor) with Arduino Nano and use it as a remote controller. The communication between LIS35DE and Arduino is by I2C link (remember to use pull-up resistors when you are using I2C). Arduino Nano reads the current position and on basis of that sends commands to eRIC Car.



Check the movie:


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