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Steering of Arduino Car by IR Remote Control

When I was a child my dream was remote control car. When I bought Arduino Mega and Adafruit Motor Shield my first idea was to build such a car. The only left thing was a car with DC motor and the way of sending commands to this car. Therefore, I purchased some cheap car and get rid of redudant things - left only chassis, motors and wheels. 

As I mentioned earilier I used Arduino Mega Rev. 3 and Motor Shield. I think Arduino Mega is still good choice, especially for beginners, because it has a lot of pins and is simple in use and program. In turn, Adafruit Motor Shield is not expensive and has very user-frienfly library. The main element of this board are L293D (H-bridge) and 74HC595N (shift register used to expand number of pins from serial to parallel).

More information about this driver and description of its library you can find in this page:


As a IR receiver I used TSOP2238, because the frequency of this receiver (38kHz) is compatible with frequency of my IR remote control (Philips RC282435/01). However, in network you'll find many examples of IR receivers and how to use them. First of all, I had to decode data outgoing from Philips RC and to do this I used IRremote library. Then, I had a list of commands and I was able to use the to control my Arduino Car.


This car is supplied by 5 batteries 1.5V. Normally, the car was supplied by 4.5V, but it is too low for Arduino, so I had to add 2 batteries more. Power supply cables are connected directly to Motor Shield and I must admit that it works perfectly.

Any source and documentation you can find here:




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